
Mr. Kevin Kendall

Mr. Kevin K. Kendall

Welcome to the Ogdensburg City School District!  The Ogdensburg City School District is a small city school district located in northern New York state in the city of Ogdensburg, New York.  The city of Ogdensburg is located on the majestic St. Lawrence River in the Thousand Islands region and borders the Canadian Province of Ontario.  The Ogdensburg City School District serves approximately 1,750 students in Universal Pre-Kindergarten through grade 12.

The Ogdensburg City School District is committed to the continuous improvement of student achievement through the development and implementation of a rigorous academic program.  As you may already know, our teachers began implementing the Writing/Reading Workshop Model in all classrooms, K-6.  This year, our teachers in grades UPK, Junior K and 7/8 will begin this work.  We are using the curriculum, Units of Study for Writing, which was developed by the Reading and Writing Project at Columbia University. We began this initiative because of the strong body of research that shows when students have time to read and write each day it leads to greater fluency and proficiency.  In grades 9-12, we will begin year three of distance learning opportunities for our students, as well as the introduction of two new courses, Digital Art and Model UN/Mock Trial, which provides students opportunity to participate in Model UN Conferences with neighboring schools.  The faculty and staff continue to be committed to molding the students of the Ogdensburg City School District into Effective Communicators, Productive Workers and Complex Thinkers.
The Ogdensburg City School District encourages high academic excellence through integrated thematic educational experiences, enhanced by community collaboration to accommodate individual learning needs in heterogeneously grouped classrooms.  We strive to develop self-actualized individuals who demonstrate high academic excellence, effective communication skills, critical thinking abilities, civic values and global awareness as we provide and support opportunities for lifelong learning.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about our instructional programs.  I can be reached at 315-393-0900, ext. 31901, or by email at
Have a great school year!

Assistant Superintendent

Ms. Brooke L. Reid


Welcome to Ogdensburg City School District! 

We hope you find OCSD to be a forward-thinking district that places an emphasis on the social, emotional, and academic well-being of our students and the community. Please know that as educators we strive daily to create a holistic learning environment which fosters and supports achievement for the children of the Ogdensburg community.

Our primary focus is the development of the academic and social skills which will serve as the foundation for each child’s future.   We believe it is our responsibility to provide each child with an educational experience through which they can find success socially, emotionally and academically. From a very young age, our students will begin to develop and utilize the skills necessary to become effective communicators, contentious citizens, and productive workers.

As the Assistant Superintendent, my role is to ensure that all instruction, curriculum activities, and educational initiatives are aligned with the focus and goals mentioned above. Each day I look forward to working with students, parents/guardians, teachers, and school staff toward this pursuit!

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns. I can be reached at 315-393-0900, ext. 31903, or by email at

The Ogdensburg City School District mission is to empower and engage
all to learn, create, contribute, and grow.