Athletic Eligibility Policies

(Updated: July 2019)

Dear Parent or Guardian:

Your son/daughter would like to become a member of an OFA Interscholastic Athletic team.

It will be a privilege to coach your son/daughter; and it is a privilege for your son/daughter to be a member of a team.

Therefore, please be advised of the following Eligibility Policies:


ACADEMIC - The regular educational program and the basic learning programs are the most important functions of the school. Any student who fails to realize this may lose the privilege of participating in an activity.

CITIZENSHIP - Students are representing the school and should therefore act as a responsible, mature boy or girl. Respect for the school or place we are visiting is mandatory.

ILLNESS - If a student is absent from school due to personal illness, he or she will not be permitted to practice or play in the activity scheduled for that day. Any illness that lasts for two (2) days or more must have doctor's permission for a weekend event. (Saturday)

TRUANCY - Truancy will result in suspension from the activity for a time to be determined by the principal.

TARDINESS/ABSENCE- If a student is tardy or absent for a portion of the day after 8:30 a.m., he or she will not be allowed to participate in the activity of the day. 1be exception to the rule is for a bona fide reason (medical/legal appointment).

The violation of the above rules during the season will mean suspension from all sports for the remainder of the season. The repeated violation of the above rules successively will mean suspension from all athletic teams for one year until the beginning of the sport season from which the athlete was suspended. An informal hearing with the building principal may be requested by the student and his/her parents within five (5) days of the date of the suspension letter. This hearing may serve one or both of the following purposes: (1) a review of the violation will take place; and/or (2) the alternative program will be explained to the athlete and his/her parents.


All provisions of the Code of Conduct and Student Handbook are applicable to all student athletes while participating on a team. In addition to those provisions:

  1. Each athlete is responsible for the safekeeping and care of athletic equipment issued to him/her. No athlete can compete in another sport until all issued equipment is turned in or until the student reimburses the District for the cost of the equipment.

  2. Coaches will set their rules on curfews, cutting practice and team discipline. Students will be informed at the beginning of each season of these rules and the breaking of the rules could lead to suspension from a squad by the building principal.

  3. Athletes are responsible for reporting any injury sustained during a practice or game to their coach and/or Health Office.

  4. Athletes on a physical education medical excuse are not allowed to practice or play in athletics.

  5. Any student failing Physical Education may not participate in athletics until the average is brought to the passing level.

Please note that if a student-athlete is present at a gathering involving the illegal use of tobacco products, alcohol, drugs, or performance-enhancing drugs/supplements (i.e. Party), then he or she is considered to be in possession of those substances and therefore in violation of athletic code of conduct.

The breaking of the above rules during the season will mean suspension from all athletic teams until an informal hearing has been set up with the athletic committee.

An informal hearing with the building principal may be requested by the student and his/her parents within five (5) days of the date of the suspension letter. This hearing may serve one or both of the following purposes: (1) a review of the violation will take place; and/or (2) the substance abuse awareness program, also known as the "Alternative Program" will be explained to the athlete and his/her parents.

Consequences for Violations:


Level 1: The first violation of the athletic policy will result in a loss of 20% of the regularly scheduled games for the season. The number of games missed will be based on 20% of the entire season, not the remainder of the season. If there are not enough games left in the season or playoffs to satisfy the number outlined in the consequence, the games to be missed will be carried over to the next sport season in which the student participates.

Level 2: The second violation of the athletic policy will result in suspension of all athletic participation for a term of one full calendar year.

JV and Varsity

Level 1: The first violation of the athletic policy will result in a loss of 20% of the regularly scheduled games for the season. The number of games missed will be based on 20% of the entire season, not the remainder of the season. If there are not enough games left in the season or playoffs to satisfy the number outlined in the consequence, the games to be missed will be carried over to the next sport season in which the student participates.

Level 2: The second violation of the athletic policy will result in suspension of all athletic participation for a term of one full calendar year. Students who are penalized at Level 2 will be allowed to try out for the same team one year later only if the one year anniversary date of the suspension occurs before the half-way point of the season. The half-way point will be determined using the number of days in the season beginning with the first day of practice and ending with the last game of the regular season.

Level 3: The third violation of the athletic policy will result in the loss of athletic participation privileges for the remainder of the students' academic career at OFA.

The recordings of these violations will begin when the student begins participating in JV or Varsity athletics, regardless of grade level.

Students commencing participation in high school athletics with recorded infractions of the modified athletic.

A) lf the first offense of the JVNarsity athletic policy occurs within two years of the last violation of the modified policy, the student's consequence will begin at Level 2.

B) lf the first offense of the JVNarsity athletic policy occurs after two calendar years have passed since the last violation of the modified policy, the student's consequence will begin at Level I.

Students will be considered JVNarsity (high school) athletes as soon as they participate in their first JV or Varsity sport regardless of grade level or athletic status in other sports.

Substance Abuse Awareness Program

Students penalized at any level of consequence will enroll in our substance abuse awareness program. This program MUST be completed before the student can play in games, although the student may practice if their level consequence ends prior to completion of the program.

If a student-athlete doesn't participate in the program then he/she will be done with sports at OFA. A student who is enrolled in the program must go to practice and attend all games/contests on the bench, dressed, while on suspension.

Voluntary Admission

If an athlete realizes he/she has a substance abuse problem, either during or outside of a sports season and they (1) admit to the problem, (2) seek assistance in dealing with the problem, (3) agree to enter treatment for the problem, and (4) refrain from further use of the substance in question, they sha11 not be penalized according to the above procedures. They will be allowed to continue with a team with no penalty. If they are found to violate these conditions, they will immediately be placed at the proper offense level. Treatment costs will be the responsibility of the student athlete and/or their family.

Students May Self-Refer Under the Following Conditions:

1. Self-referral must not be a reaction to having been caught

2. A peer, parent or trusted individual that suspects there may be a problem, may convince a student to self­ refer.

Course of Action

The student will self-refer by talking to a coach, teacher, guidance counselor, administrator, student peer, parent, or other trusted individual. The student will then approach the principal or athletic director to set up a committee as described in the alternative program. An appropriate course of action will be determined. Parent involvement may become necessary at this time.


Students attending school in the Ogdensburg City School District may participate in extra-curricular activities only if they demonstrate satisfactory academic achievement as defined in the policy. Students will not be allowed re-admission after leaving an event or activity. Every effort will be made to refrain from scheduling extracurricular and "away" athletic events during exam weeks. Any exceptions must have the approval of the principal.

Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular activities include those activities that are not part of a student's academic schedule. Extra­ curricular activities are not credit bearing for students. For example, Marching Band is not considered an extra­ curricular activity because students gamer credit for the activity. Extracurricular activities include all athletic teams and all non-credit bearing school clubs and activities. For example, Key Club is not considered an extra­ curricular activity because it is not an activity connected to the school. Coaches and club advisors are required to submit their rosters to the athletic director one week after the start of the activity. They must also communicate changes to their rosters as they occur.

Review Committee

An Extra-Curricular Activities Review Committee will be established at the beginning of each school year to review academic eligibility. This committee will be chaired by the athletic director and may include the principal a guidance counselor, an academic teacher, the advisor or coach of the activity, and the teachers requesting the review.

Initiating a Review

A review by the committee can be initiated by a parent/guardian, the principal, the athletic director, or a teacher, to determine the academic status of the student in each of his/her classes. Indicators of less-than-satisfactory academic performance include poor test scores, poor quiz scores, assignments owed, class work owed, projects or papers owed, attendance or tardiness problems, and violations of the discipline code. Students will be designated as passing (65+) or failing (<65) by their teachers for each credit bearing course. Grades are based on the current marking period.

The progress reports (5 weeks) and report cards (10 weeks) of all students in extracurricular activities will be reviewed by the athletic director each time they are completed.

Review Day

A "Review Day" for the monitoring of students who have been placed on probation or suspension will take place on Thursday of each week, unless there is no school on Friday. In that case, monitoring will take place on Wednesday. During vacation periods or for weeks less than four days, the committee will develop a plan for that week and advise the student, the coach and the parent of the plan. For the purpose of this eligibility plan, a week of monitoring begins when the student is notified and ends on the next "Review Day", regardless of the fact that it may be less than five (5) school days.

On each "Review Day", the principal/Athletic Director will complete a pass that indicates the student's status. The coach will not allow the student to participate without an updated pass from the Principal/Athletic Director. Any student failing Physical Education may not participate in athletics until the average is brought up to the passing level.

Failure to return a report on two consecutive report days deems a student "Suspended-Inactive". A student deemed "Inactive" will not have a report form printed for him/her. The student will have to request to be activated by contacting the Athletic Director.

Procedures to be Followed When a Student is Placed on Probation

  • The principal/Athletic Director will provide the parent/guardian and the advisor/coach with a signed copy of the probation letter.

  • The advisor/coach will sign the letter and hand it to the student. Parents will be mailed a copy of the probation letter.

  • The student must hand-carry the probation letter to obtain the signature of the parent/guardian. The probation letter must be returned to the principal/Athletic Director by 3:10 the next day.

  • The principal/Athletic Director will provide the student with a pass to return to the activity.

  • The student will not be allowed to participate until all of the above steps are completed.

  • Failure to meet the deadlines or to comply with the steps above will result in at least a one (1) day suspension from the activity.

Level I Probation

If the student is failing (<65) in one (I) course, the principal/Athletic Director will inform the coach, the student, and the parent about the student's academic problem by following the procedures described above. The student will be placed on Level I probation and will be allowed to participate.

The student must carry an eligibility report for that course for at least two Review Days. If the student receives a failing (<65) report for that course on either Review Day, then the student will be assigned to Level II probation. lf the student receives passing (65+) reports on both Review Days, then the student will be removed from Level I probation.

An incomplete, altered, or forged report will result in the student being placed on Suspension for a period of time to be determined by the principal.

Level II Probation

Level 11 Probation will be assigned by the principal/Athletic Director, if a student fails to successfully complete a Level I probation or if a student is failing (<65) in two (2) or more courses. The principal/Athletic Director will inform the coach, the student, and the parent about the student's academic problem through the procedures described above.

The student must carry an eligibility report for all courses for at least two (2) Review Days. If the student receives a failing grade {<65) in one (1) course on a Review Day, then the student will continue on probation and be allowed to participate. The student will continue on probation until two consecutive passing (65+) reports are received.

If the student receives failing grades (<65) in two (2) or more courses, then the principal/Athletic Director will place the student on Academic Suspension until the next Review Day.

Students participating in certified BOCES programs earn four units of credit. With this in mind, any student attending BOCES Northwest Technical Center who is failing (<65) his/her program will automatically be placed on Level II Probation.

An altered or forged report will result in the student being removed from participation in extracurricular activities for a period of time to be determined by the principal. (Refer to Discipline Code on Page 67 of Student Handbook).

Academic Suspension from Extra-curricular Activities

When placed on Academic Suspension by a Principal/Athletic Director, the student, parent/guardian and advisor/coach will be notified of the suspension in a letter signed by the Principal/ Athletic Director.

If the student drops one of the courses which resulted in the academic suspension, then he/she remains suspended until at least one of the remaining courses is brought to passing (65+) level.

The student will only be allowed to practice, he/she will not be allowed to play/perform in a contest.

If on the next Review Day the student receives a passing (65+) report in every course or a failing (<65) in just one (I) course, then the Principal/Athletic Director will move the student back to Level II probationary status (student may practice and play).

If on the next Review Day the student receives a failing (<65) report in two (2) or more courses, then the suspension will be continued until the next Review Day (student will only be allowed to practice).

Overlapping, Consecutive and Non-Consecutive Seasons

If a student fails one (1) or more courses on a report card prior to tryouts, he/she will be placed on Academic Probation from the start of the activity.

If a probationary or suspension period occurs at the end of one activity, then it will continue into the next activity in which the student participates.


Students on Suspension in June, who did not pass or successfully complete those courses in Summer School, will automatically be placed on Probation II at the beginning of the Fall Sports Season.

A Review Day will take place on the Thursday of the first full week of school.

Student Absence on Review Day

If a student is absent from school on Review Day, then he/she must complete all procedures on the day they return.

Teacher Absence on Review Day

If the student is unable to gather the signatures of all teachers due to teacher absence on Review Day, the student is to secure the signature of the substitute teacher(s). The substitute teacher will not assess the passing/failing columns for that course. The student's eligibility will be determined by the principal and athletic director until the teacher(s) return to school. At that point, the student will be required to have the absent teacher(s) complete the eligibility report. A long-term substitute is allowed to complete the report as per a classroom teacher.

Communication with Parents/Guardians

Students must obtain the signature of the parent/guardian on the "Probation Letter". Immediate notification of a suspension will occur in the form of a copy of the eligibility report, a telephone call or an email. The principal will also follow up by notifying parents in writing when a student is suspended from an activity. Parents/guardians are encouraged to call the principal/Athletic Director at any time.